This week I've been reflecting on when I first thought "I really want to move to Maine and eat lobsters and blueberries everyday." That was about three years ago. Now here I am. I just love that! Some times while hanging out with my magical Maine family, I just exclaim "I live in MAINE!"
I am so thankful to be able to do such things. It makes me feel so passionate about life when I look back on all the adventures I've had since I first moved off Anderson Island. Being fairly nomadic, I have moved around. Hawaii, Idaho, New Mexico and numerous towns up and down the I-5 corridor in Washington, all places that I've attempted to settle in. Seattle was the first place I found that I really enjoyed and liked living in. It is a great city- it's got it's quarks, but I really love that city. However, after five years, I got burnt out. Burnt out on city life and city folk.
The pace was so fast, the things people complained about were superficial, everyone was always planning for the next moment, the next day, the next thing. Everyone was moving fast, had so many "things" to do, that you have to schedule just to meet up with friends. When you ask someone if they want to hang out, they have to check their calendar. Then they schedule you in. And then you have to hope they don't double book. Or you don't double book. You meet up at specific hour, then know that you only have a limited amount of time before you both are obligated to be doing something else.

Damn, it's exhausting just writing about it.
I always felt rushed, I always felt tense and a little cranky. Some people like living that way, but it's not for me anymore. I'm sure I'll want to be back living in the city at one point. Maybe. This summer in Maine has been the most refreshing thing for me. I couldn't have ever dreamed up what's happened. I didn't really put high expectations on coming here, aside from expecting blueberries and lobsters. And those expectations have been far exceeded! Blueberries in everything- my tea, beer, ice cream, desserts, coffee, soda, BBQ sauce, syrup and pretty much anything else you can imagine. Also, on everything- cups, plates, books, clothes and on and on. I haven't eaten lobster everyday, but I've eaten it often. And the season isn't over yet- I've got plenty of lobsters to devour this next month or two.
Rockland and Maine have quickly become favorite places of mine. I know I'm "from away" - that's a colloquial phrase they use here to describe anyway that isn't from here, that's from away - but I love it here. The people, the pace, the mindset, the priorities, all of it just aligns with what I need in life right now.
Two months in and I am so thankful. I feel so sane, rarely rushed and generally always at peace. Even when I do get wrapped up in something negative, for whatever reason peace quickly settles in and negative feelings subside. I've been learning a great deal about myself this summer and am thankful for the freedom to explore what I want, need and am passionate about. I'm looking forward to the next two months! Can't wait to see what kind of adventures I'll go on!
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