Friday, August 10, 2012

The Price of Failure is $10

My most recent act of jackassery occurred Monday night. I went to Athens Pizzeria to take on the "Fire Breather Challenge" - The challenge?

Made with: Jalopenos, pepperoncinnis, Habaneros, Buffalo chicken, crushed red pepper, and Spontaneous Combustion hot sauce(with pure capsicum extract)! Total weight: 3lbs. Eat in in 30 min. or less and it's free! A signed legal wavier is required for participation.

No question, I am a glutton. No question, I love spice. This challenge was right up my alley. I had three friends cheer me on for said challenge. It's taken me a good 24-36 hours to recover from the event, but now I'm ready to relive the fire. 

If I die in any way during this challenge, no one in the vicinity can be held responsible.

The spice was intense, but the temperature was over the top.

At this point, every orifice is leaking. I am also very aware that my body may soon reject anything I put in my face.

At 30 minutes, this is what I had left :/ This is my defeat.

I gave the effort, but didn't succeed. Choosing not to vomit, I didn't shove that last pile down my throat in the final seconds. Alas, I failed. My thoughts on the challenge? This was some intense spice! They rate the pizza at almost 2 million scoville unitsThe temperature was a bit cruel, fresh out of a 400 degree oven, it was hard to just hold in my hand, much less put in my mouth. But aside from that it was a very worthy challenge.

My pores turned a fiery red by the end of the 30 minutes and I sweated out hot sauce. Later that night I would rub sweat off my face and it burned my eyes and everything else it touched. My hands burned from the hot sauce for a solid 24 hours. And my stomach, well it wasn't as bad as I imagined it would be, but all yesterday I was wholly uncomfortable. Not a burning in my stomach, just an all consuming uncomfortable feeling. Finally after some blueberry beer last night, all uncomfortable feelings ceased. 

If you're ever in the Mid-Coast and enjoy a gluttonous challenge, well then, give me a call and we'll head over to Athens! 

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